CKD Customer Application [MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG, Munich, Germany] Web based solution for CKD customer reclamations registration and processing ...»» |
ALZ Intranet Database "OpsData" [EuroEyes ALZ Eye Clinic Munich, Munich, Germany] Information management system for the eye laser correction clinic ...»» |
OpVis Video Documentation System [NeHaMed GmbH, Munich, Germany] Hardware based IT-solution (firmware) for recording, digitalization and storing of video data ...»» |
Stadtvogel Control Center [Weis(s)er Stadtvogel München, Munich, Germany] Information management system for the travel agency (excursion office) ...»» |
NeHaSoft-PTN [NeHaMed GmbH, Munich, Germany] Information management system for the eye laser correction practice of Prof. Dr. Thomas Neuhann & Partner ...»» |
Image Library [NeHaMed GmbH, Munich, Germany] Rich Internet Application for image management and storage ...»» |
Neptune [SEXTANT Enterprises Ltd, London, UK] Web solution for working with a network of insurance brokers ...»» |
Monaco [SEXTANT Enterprises Ltd, London, UK] Web solution for insurance of classic cars (old timers) ...»» |
Complaint Reporting [TeakSoft GmbH, Baden, Switzerland] Web based solution for complaint reports generation ...»» |
Softina® ProjectTracker Software development business processes support system ...»» |
Softina® UITester Fully-automatic test system ...»» |
Softina® CarDoctor Information Management System for a car repair service ...»» |
Softina® TAXI Information Management System for a taxi company ...»» |
Softina® PERIMETER Monitoring Information System PERIMETER ...»» |